GWS Systems Oy, Jyväskylä (Fi)

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GWS Systems Oy, numera Sovella Oy, tillverkar bl a FPS (Flexible Production Systems). 

Då GWS  ytbehandlar ca 1000 olika detaljer har de installerat ett PGC Maxi 7000 självprogrammerande triggersystem med 4 oberoende nivåer.

Funktionen kan ses genom att klicka på länken "Nivåtriggning - Animering" ovan.


GWS Systems Oy in Jyväskylä, Finland, manufactures FPS (Flexible Production Systems). They have installed a PGC Maxi 7000 autoprogramming trigger system with 4 independent height zones to control the spray guns triggering. This system offers a high degree of convenience for the operators, which is important since GWS paints approx. 1000 different components in mixed order.

The Zone triggering function is shown here:  Zone triggering - Animation